What a Career Consultant Can Do for You

I’m often asked by prospective clients whether seeing a career consultant can really help. Understandably, they’re hesitant about spending money at a time when they may not be making any. 

It’s a question that’s always a bit uncomfortable to answer. How do I avoid appearing totally self-serving? 

Obviously, I think seeing an advisor is a great way to help job seekers get through a difficult time; otherwise, I would've chosen a different career. Still, I try to be as objective as possible. 

The isolation of the job search

My major reason for suggesting a career advisor is an emotional one - search is isolating. You've been separated from your routine, from a part of your identity, and from people you may have liked. Left on your own, you ruminate. You try to interpret every single aspect of the search, i.e. Why is this person not calling back? Why isn't my resume working the way resumes should? Why is it five days since they said they'd call and they had promised three? Have I made the right choice in what I'm seeking? Maybe it's time for a radical change? And, my favorite: Why are so many people so incredibly rude during this process?   

You go round and round in these thoughts (among many others about this process), don't get anywhere, and start to over-think every aspect. Some people end up reworking their resumes 10 or 12 times, almost always a colossal waste of energy. Sometimes, the result of all the rumination is to make bad career decisions, just to avoid the anxiety of the process itself.  

If you have a significant other or family or both, that will probably add to the stress, no matter how supportive friends and family may be.  

The importance of perspective

What's lacking here is perspective, and I think that's where the experienced listener and advisor plays a most critical role. It always amazes me that at the end of a successful client experience, one of the comments I have heard the most over the years is, "You really understood what I was going through." It's not usually about the technical aspects of the transition, even if we spent two or three entire meetings reviewing pitch and networking technique.  

Of course, an experienced consultant will be knowledgeable about the (over-hyped) resumes, will help with interview presentation and content, will teach the value of high-touch relationship building, and, I hope, will understand and show the value of social media and social intelligence in the process.  

Gaining an advantage

What you’re also looking for is an edge that will help you stand out from all the other job seekers. An experienced consultant can often provide proven strategies that can make all the difference. 

As for the money, if it helps, it's worth it. Think about the big picture.