In Search of the Fun-Forever Job is published by Bacon Press Books.
"No matter what your career objective is, Ellis Chase has developed a process that can work for anyone. In Search of the Fun-Forever Job offers more than a mere set of job search strategies. It outlines a strategic mindset that enables you to be proactive and targeted in your approach to career management. Whether you are seeking that first opportunity out of college or moving up through senior levels in your organization or industry. Ellis's framework rings true. This is an essential resource at any stage of your career development process."
– Mark Horney, Assistant Dean, Career Management Center, Columbia Business School
In Search of the Fun-Forever Job: Career Strategies That Work takes a fresh look at an old problem and turns some of the commonly held beliefs about job search and career management inside out. You will find answers to such questions as:
- Is the resume truly the key to a successful search?
- Isn't it easier to look for a job when you're employed?
- Won't I improve my chances if I just put as many letters and resumes out there as possible and hope some of them stick?
- Should I take time off to relax and get my head straight before I start the process?
You'll find strategies you can use to:
- Identify the career that's right for you
- Build your networks
- Approach interviews
- Negotiate your salary
- Cope with the emotional roller coaster
- Make smarter decisions
Whether you're searching for your first job, your next job or changing careers, In Search of the Fun-Forever Job offers a real-life approach to job hunting, an approach more in line with today's economic realities.
Chapter 1 - Getting Personal
Chapter 2 - The 30,000-Foot View: Career Transition
Chapter 3 - Networking: Not a Four-Letter Word
Chapter 4 - Managing Your Personal Brand: The Critical Difference
Chapter 5 - Would You Please Remove Your Blouse? The Five Interview Questions You Should Be Able to Answer
Chapter 6 - Don't Leave Money on the Table
Chapter 7 - Ads and Recruiters: Hard to Ignore, But...
Chapter 8 - Dealing with Unexpected Job Loss
Chapter 9 - Bridge Jobs
Chapter 10 - Creating Your Own Job Search Style: A Success Story
Chapter 11 - Do You Ever Get to Burn Bridges? Developing Strategies for Coping with the Emotional Roller Coaster
Epilogue - Just One More Thing